Monday, September 26, 2011

Killercon Survival Rate

Back from Killercon and the Killercon Survival Rate is Las Vegas 0, Me 1. Woot!

This is an excerpt from my reading-- Go ahead and play it as you read the rest. It makes great background music... Thing of it as Weston Rock Star Radio.

Like everyone else, I had an awesome time. I twitted, twatted, facebooked, and message board to all of you living vicariously through me. Here's what I put on Shocklines after Day 1:
Angel McCoy, Chris Marrs, and Eunice Magill
Killercon Sightings Latina Hookers. German Tourists. Ed Lee. Crack-addled cross-dressers. Drug pushers. And I kid you not, a man pushing a woman in a wheelchair down the street, trying to pimp her out for wheel chair sex. Yes folks, we are in THAT part of Vegas. (and I love it) After having dinner with my agent, had a few drinks with Gene O'Neil, Gord Rollo, John Mantooth, Shane McKenzie, Bob Meracle, Nate Southard, and Erik Williams. They saw Lee, but failed to bring him around. They said he looked like he was a man on a mission. Hopefully he wasn't chasing down a wheelchair. Nice to be with fellow writers.
The next day, which was the actual first day of the convention, I spent most of it working in my room on SEAL Team 666.
The Beast and Roy Robbins
More Killercon Sightings Last night was rabid. Had a great time. Interesting sightings included-- Tanya, the six foot tall slender black woman who looked like a rail thin Diana Ross. I'm 90% sure she was a woman. I'm a 100% sure she was an escort. She offered me a discount and gave me her phone number. I thanked her, wished her luck and left her off on the 23rd floor. An hour later returning down from the 24th floor, the door to 23 opened. I half expected it to be Tanya and was wondering what to say: "Have a good time?" "Did everything turn out alright?" I mean, what do you say to an escort, post service? But instead of Tanya, it was Suzanne and Rebecca. They were each about 6 feet in heels (what's up with all the tall women?) I'm 100% sure they were women. Suzanne was in a white short wedding dress. Rebecca was in a black short wedding dress. They were going across the street to get married to each other. I wished them a great life. They both wished me the same.
Me Getting Down
At one point there was a headline that worried folks that Killercon had gotten out of hand -- 1 dead, 2 hurt in Nevada casino brawl

 Really, Can't you get an idea of the spirit of Vegas yet? Can't you feel it?

 At the con, it was great to spend time with and sometimes meet for the first time Wrath James White, Laura Hickman, Ray Garton, Jack Ketchum, Rose, O'Keefe, Carlton Melnick III, Jeff Burk, Jeff Mariotte, Jeremy Wagner, Monica O'Rourke, Brian Lumley, Hal Bodner, James James Gurley, Edward Lee, Monica S. Kuebler, William Gagliani, John Skipp, Nate Southard, John R. Little, Misty Dahl, Gene O'Neil, John Palisano, Gord Rollo, Wendy Cooper, Erik Williams, Mercedes Yardley, El G Grande, PS Gifford, Gabrielle Faust, Ben Etheridge, Evil Ed Coulter (Who is from my hometown!), Mike and Michelle Calvillo, Bill Nola, Jasona nd Sunni Brock, Norm Rubenstein, Steven Booth, Bailey Hunter, RJ Cavender, Jason Reinhardt, John Mantooth, Guido Henkel, Chris Marrs, Robert Devearoux, Jack Staynes, Angel McCoy, David-Matthew Barnes, and so many damn others I know I'll be adding to this for days. And although I appreciated Ed Kurtz challenging me to fisticuffs on Twitter, I'm glad that he demured later on.

If @westonochse doesn't meet me at the casino bar he is thereby admitting I could best him at fisticuffs. There: I said it. Ed_Kurtz_Bleeds

Oooh the fun and games at conventions! Lol. The thing was that I was in the middle of my Rock Star Reading of Playlist at the End, which appeared in Shock Totem Magazine recently. The real question was, where was Ed? Shane McKenzie was cool to meet. Gotta love somene who tweets - Weston was a bad-ass gross-out bouncer. Elvis glasses, baby! Shane won the Gross Out Contest with a very well-wrought tale of grandma sex--- barf! Great convention. The highlight, of course, came on Saturday when my agent, Robert Fleck, brought me the St. Martin's Press contracts for SEAL Team 666 for me to sign. I can be seen here doing just that-- Pictures taken by Rose O'Keefe. Special thank to Eunice Magill for the wine. And to Walter Danenhower and Bob Meracle for being such great fans!

Mike Calvillo

Walter Danenhower

Jon Mayberry, me and Jeff Marriotte's Eyes

Jason Brock and Ben Ethridge

Gene O'Neil, Gord Rollo, John Palisano, and Chris Marrs

Guido Henkel

Ed Kurtz

Skipp and Lee and the Deadly Four Fingers of Death

That's all for now. There are plenty of other pictures out there, but these are some of mine.

Thanks Killercon.

Thanks Vegas.

No hookers were injured during the making of this blog.

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