Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fan Review of Multiplex Fandango

Larry Meier is a fan of mine. He said he wanted people to know how good Multiplex Fandango is. Since he's just a regular Joe, and doesn't have a blog or anything, I offered to give him voice.  Here is Larry's review:      

Review of MULTIPLEX FANDANGO by Weston Ochse. 

Deluxe Lettered edition

First off, get your computer fired up, and click on the following Link  Good, now give yourself the best belated Christmas and/or New Years gift you will ever get and fork over $45.00 for the Signed, numbered edition, (or-if any remain, by all means splurge on the Deluxe lettered), of said title by the supremely talented, literary samurai that is Mr. Ochse. 

Where to begin.Well, suffice it to say that this is a quality production from the get-go.  From the stunning wraparound dust jacket by Vincent Chong, to the foil-embossed cover (created by Russ Dickerson), THIS book stands out.  What really matters in any book of course, is the writing.  Simply put:  Weston Ochse can REALLY write.  The sixteen stories in this volume run the gamut from rip-roaring, Sci-Fi infused, pulp horror, (see the stunning “Tarzan doesn’t live here anymore”), to the down home, Twainesque melancholy of “Catfish Gods”.  If you manage to get through that particular story without reaching for some tissues, then I highly recommend a trip to the optometrist, as your tear ducts clearly are malfunctioning.  Ochse has mastered the art of the short-story, and has consistently turned out taut, muscular, lean prose that cuts to the bone; leaving no fat or excess to waste.  There are writers who excel at seemingly either characterization or plot, yet few are able to blend the two as successfully as Mr. Ochse.  With his work you get lean, mean, beautifully written stories, all crafted with heart and soul.  The literary equivalent of a magnificent Christmas present, all packaged and wrapped with care, style, and superb craftsmanship. 

I’m not going to ruin the ride that Weston has waiting for you within those pages by detailing individual story synopses.  That’s spoiling half the fun for you.  Open this book up, and dive in.  I found it best to read them in order as presented.  Kind of like catching multiple back-to-back double features at the drive in…Or, more fittingly, at the Multiplex.

Weston Ochse is more than a writer to watch.  He is a writer to be enjoyed, read, and re-read, right now.  So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking on placing that order before the rest of us have to say “I told you so.”  Just be prepared to be hooked firmly by his writing.  You will soon be seeking out the rest of his catalog, and be eagerly waiting for his many upcoming works.  As addictive as a box of Popcorn at said Multiplex, but infinitely more satisfying!!!

Larry Meier

Larry Meier was born and raised in Boston. He graduated from Boston College in 87.  He owns the Little Cannoli Bakery/Pizzeria in Salem, OR. and works at Powells Books in Portland.  He is a self-admitted book junkie with over 500 limited editions and counting.  Reading, fishing, and more reading are his passions along with his wife Tina and daughter Allie.  He hangs out in the Twitterverse under the handle @LarryMeier

Thanks very much to Larry. I found some reviews of the Little Cannoli online. Here's a pretty good one. If you're in the area please stop in, talk books, and have a Cannoli. I intend to. I also want to point out that Powells Books is a pre-eminent bookstore chain. If you are passing through Portland, you have got to stop and spend a few hours in the aisles. I just love them

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