Monday, January 2, 2012

ST666 Finished and Gone

Just a random picture of me

SEAL Team 666 is complete at 494 manuscript pages. I just pressed the send button to the editor at Thomas Dunne Books. This is such a satisfying feeling. ST666 is definitely, without a doubt, the best thing I've ever written. Yvonne, whose eyes are still bleeding from her edits, agrees. Now to sit back and breathe for a second.

As  I sit and reflect about the novel Blood Ocean and SEAL Team 666 and all the short stories and comic scripts I've done that are going to be published soon, I realize that I've written 250,000 words of fiction in six months. Clearly this  has been my most prolific period by far. That I was able to do it with trips to Europe, evacuations because of massive forest fires, moving from one house to another, and -- oh yeah -- a day job is just a freaking miracle.

I am exhausted.

But satisfied.

And soon, on to the next project. 

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