Sunday, February 5, 2012

Killer in The House!

So there I was sitting at my computer working on a psycho story for John Skipp and putting together an email to a producer who'd asked me to send him a script, when out of the effing blue comes a black masked killer with a machete!

As it turned out, the black-masked killer was none other than my wife, Yvonne Navarro. She was cleaning out a closet and just happened on these two pieces of extraneous stuff (junk). She did what 99% of all women in the world would do when provided these two things-- she put them on, channeled Freddie Kruger and scared the shit out of me. Oh wait-- 99% of the women in the world wouldn't have done that. Or would they? I just love my wife.

As it so happens, this was a special machete, by the way. You can barely read the letter O and J, but would you believe that this was a special limited edition O.J. Simpson Memorial Machete we bought in Mexico back in 2000. On the back was an etching of the slow car chase. Just awesome. 


  1. That's one way for her not to have to do her hair.

  2. Doesn't look like Ghost and Ghoulie are very good at defending you from a "masked killer with a machete"... unless she trips over them ;-)

  3. that's their strategy. Get in the way of the maniac with the knife and try and trip them.

  4. I always knew you two were made for each other!

  5. That's awesome! You're lucky to have such a cool wife. :)
