Saturday, October 27, 2012

42 Days of 666: Day 31 with Sean O'Bannon

For the next 42 days we're going to be counting down to the release of SEAL Team 666. Why 42? Because it's the answer to the universal question.

Today we have Sean O'Bannon, screenwriter, actor, kilt-wearing pirate. I first met him back in 2003? I wrote about it in an essay that appears along with the novel Blaze of Glory. Reggie Bannister of Phantasm fame had invited a bunch of us up to his place in the town of Crestline, California, near Lake Arrowhead. Myself, Reggie, Sean (a screenwriter), Angus Scrimm (The Tall Man), Doug Bradley (Pinhead), Robert Englund (Freddy), and a few others were present to promote a haunted house Reggie and his wife Gigi were running. That is until the Old Fire merged with the Grand Prix Fire and threatened to turn all of us to ashes. The cloud of smoke was the size of Nebraska. We literally escaped down the mountain with flames licking at our tires. By the time I got home to my apartment in San Pedro three hours and forty miles later, ashes were falling on my balcony. That was the year it felt like L.A. was surrounded by a ring of fire.

Back to Sean, he and I hit it off like we were old friends. We've maintained that friendship since then, sharing our works, commenting on each others life choices, and just being two great guys. And all this despite his fetish for wearing Zardoz Zed's pajamas and constantly speaking with a Scottish brogue... not just any brogue, mind you, but the brogue of non other than Sean Connory. Sean. I love this guy.

1. What’s your favorite military movie, book or television show?


2. Why is it your favorite? Here’s where you can ramble a bit.

L-R: Brinke Stevens, Robert Evans, Sean O'Bannon (at a dinner at famous
movie producer Robert Evan's home in Southern California)
It stars Richard Burton and Richard Harris as hard-drinking mercenaries best friends.  (When you consider that both of whom played King Arthur, it makes one wonder if they both whipped out their “Excaliburs” backstage.)  Roger Moore as the womanizing antihero pilot who was the cause of the best line in the flick:  “Leftenant Finn, you are jumping from an aeroplane, not a whorehouse window.  Get up there and do it again.”  Loved the fact that each man has taken this suicide mission – rescuing a thinly-disguised Nelson Mandela from an African prison – for his own reasons.  Burton:  at first it’s for the money, but events change him from a cold-hearted bastard to a merely chilly-hearted bastard.  Harris:  he’s originally out of the game, but takes the job because of principles.  Moore:  for the challenge and the need to get out of London before the Mob blows his scoundrel head off.  Every soldier puts on the uniform for his own reasons and this flick shows that well, even with the secondary and tertiary characters. 

3. What themes are overused? And is it overused, or just truthful observation?

Written by Sean O'Bannon
The idea of “Brothers to the End” is used a lot.  Is it overused?  That’s up to the individual.  Personally, I dig it.  It illustrates the bond between soldiers, forged not only on the field but in the downtime between shit storms.  These are people with whom we share experiences that no one else will understand.  When films show this, they depict the warrior soul at its most eloquent and at its basic element.  Regardless of backgrounds, these soldiers are a family dedicated to a cause higher than themselves and are prepared to sacrifice everything if need be in its name.  Nothing wrong with repeated use – or overuse – when it shines light on the best that we can become.

+   +   +
Here's the promo for the event I mentioned above.  I'm represented
by the Catfish... Catfish Gods was in production then.

Thanks, Sean!

And everyone please don't forget to Pre-order SEAL Team 666 from your favorite store:

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