Friday, December 28, 2012

SEAL Team 666 Invades WEST COAST

After more than 1900 miles and 16 bookstores in 8 days, my West Coast Booksigning Tour is over.

I've been to bookstores in Scottsdale, Burbank, Beverly Hills, Torrance, Redondo Beach, Encinitas, Huntington Beach, Santa Monica, San Diego, Rancho Panisquitos, Ventura and Coronado Island.

I've met readers, distributors, store clerks, community relations managers, store owners, event planners, event coordinators, and people just shopping for presents.

I've been asked about my book, where the restrooms are in the store, which Nook is the best one to buy, if I can get them a glass of water, which romance novel is the best one, where I get my ideas, did you know how fast you were going, if they could use my chair, if they could borrow my pen, could I sign their book, could I sign their body parts, could I sign a piece of paper, how to be published, how to get an agent, how to write a novel, how to self publish, where Bill O'Reilly's book is, and if I was single.

I felt like I encountered the full breadth of humanity, and although the recent political climate brought out the beasts in many of us, I found the majority of the people I met people I am proud to share the planet with.

Special thanks to Dirk and Barbara Foster, Greg and Eunice Magill, and Hal and Gene for opening their homes to me.

In Ventura
Special thanks to Barbara and Will at the Poisoned Pen, Del and Sue at Dark Dels, Maryelizabeth for both Mysterious Galaxys, Erna for Bay Books, and the CRMs at all the Barnes and Nobles that had me in to sign books.

Some highlights include-

  • Selling more than 25 book in Ventura
  • Chatting with Amber Benson
  • Staying at the Peirpont in Ventura
  • Eating late night Korean with Hal and Gene
  • Eating Korean pork belly with Dirk and Barbara
  • Waking up to Santa Monica Pier
  • Driving the Pacific Coast Highway through  Malibu
  • Yvonne joining me on Friday
  • Hanging with Eunice and Greg
  • Lunch with Gini Koch
  • The young man from VCU deciding to ditch 50 Shades of Grey in favor of Triple Six
I was asked several times how much the publisher was paying me to do this book tour. I explained that I was being paid nothing, and that I felt that it was part of my job to promote the book. They said why not just do it from your webpage. The answer is all of what I said above. If I had stayed at home, I never would have had those highlights. I also wouldn't have a smiling agent and publisher. And let me assure you, my agent and publisher smiled with every signing, every update, every shared photo, and every blurb.

L-R: Nancy Holder, Eunice Magill, Yvonna Navarro, and Me
Yep. SEAL Team 666 invaded the West Coast.

And the West Coast is better for it.

I wonder who will be next.


  1. You also have a smiling agent, but that's less important than a smiling publisher. ;-)

  2. Not less important at all. That's very important too!!!
