Sunday, September 29, 2019

Our Keto Reset - Day 6

Day 6.

I felt great again today. Got up and walked 2 miles. Then I had to get some food into the oven. The plan was to have a big lunch. My parents were coming down from Tucson.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: Nothing really
Mid Morning: None.
Lunch: Indian spiced lamb shanks with artichokes and hominy.
Afternoon: Nothing
Dinner: Steaks and salad

The lunch was a huge and involved meal. I'll give the recipe if anyone wants it. It really held us over for the remainder of the day. I know people said that the hominy has a lot of carbs, but if it's divided by 4 people and we still have leftovers, then it's less than 6 carbs per person. And remember, I'm not going for zero carbs. I trying for 20 - 50 carbs max.

Total Weight Loss:
Weston: -4

Yvonne: -4 

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