Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Our Keto Reset - Day 8

Day 8. Trout. Ketoing Blind. Everything Butter. And Wesley Chu.

The day started out great. Had to get ready for work and drop some info into my online college classroom and was able to do that before I left. 
Today's menu:

Breakfast: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
Mid Morning: None.
Lunch: Me: 12 oz of Lono Life Thai Curry Bone Broth
Yvonne: Something Fucking Glorious
Afternoon: 2 oz Colby Jack Cheese
Dinner: Baby Carrots with Butter, Brussels Spouts and Butter, and Idaho Trout Sauteed in Butter

Ordered some Swerve Sweetener, Zero Carb Bread, Psyllum Husk Powder, Almond Flour, and Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops.

More people commented on the hominy I had the other night, including friend and fellow author Wesley Chu (Buy his new book please). Here's how our conversation on FB went.

Wesley Chu: Hmm... are those legumes?Oh Hominy...psst, those are very high in carbs.

(This is where I try and get funny)
Weston Ochse: yep. 24 carbs divided by 6 people. Whaaaat? That's 4 carbs. OMG. And with net carbs we're down to 1 per person. Oh, shit I'ma gonna die. :)

(Wes doesn't think it's funny)
Wesley Chu: Weston Ochse what's your macros at?

(Now, I'm confused. What the what?)
Weston Ochse: Wesley Chu uhhh. Uhhh. Now you got me.

(Outraged Biblically)
Wesley Chu: Weston, are you ketoing blind? Get thee carb manager app and get your macros!

(Jumps in as a shill for the premium version of the Conometer app) 
John Hornor Jacobs: The app Cronometer we talked about Weston has that built in

(Hates math)
Weston Ochse: That's a lot of math.

(Wise Man Speaks) 
Wesley Chu Your macros are pretty important metrics to track. For example, i'm on a 16g carb limit, 71g protein, and 140g fat. Usually okay to go over on fat. When I do carb cheat, I'll rarely blow past 20.

Weston Ochse: Good to know. I just looked up how to figure them out. I'll do that.

Weston Ochse: Wesley Chu Okay. looks like they are 25 g carbs, 113g protein, and 189g fat. Those numbers are all higher than yours. Not sure that's good. But then you are in super model-athlete-ninja shape.

Lessons I learned today. 
  • Dude, you need to drink hella more water.
  • Dude, you need to drink hella more water.
  • Dude, don't Keto blind.
  • Dude, carrots should not be eaten because they are hella carbs.
  • Dude, Buy Wes Chu's Book.
  • Dude, Buy John Hornor Jacobs' Book.
  • And finally, Dude, you need to drink hella more water. 

Total Weight Loss:
Weston: -5

Yvonne: -5 


  1. Maybe we should get you a Keto service dog.

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