I rarely do a cut-and-paste post, but I thought this one promoting Storybundle.com deserved a little blog love.
Storybundle.com is a company that launched a few months ago and offers ebook bundles based around a common theme. The bundles are offered on a Pay-What-You-Want basis (minimum $1.00) and buyers can designate where the money from the sale goes – to the creators, to Storybundle, or to the charity matched to that bundle, or any combination thereof. If readers choose to pay above the bonus level, they get two additional books added to the bundle.
Included in the Halloween Horror Bundle will be:
Main selections:
Riverwatch by Joseph Nassise
Blaze of Glory by Weston Ochse
Vicarious by Jon F. Merz
The Drought by Patricia Fulton
The Latent Dark by Martin Kee
Taking on the Dead by Annie Walls
Bonus selections:
Coming of Age by Douglas Clegg
Resurrection, Inc. by Kevin J. Anderson
The above authors include multiple Bram Stoker Award nominees and
winners, multiple International Horror Guild Award nominees and winners,
New York Times bestsellers, a Nebula Award nominee, and a former
president of the Horror Writers Association, the world’s largest
organization of professional horror writers. In other words, quality
writers with quality offerings, all at a pay-what-you-want-price!
Currently StoryBundle has their Second Degree Bundle up (ebooks in the crime and thriller genre) so it's well worth your time to head over now and make sure you check back in on the 18th for the Halloween Horror Bundle. And let just say, I've read several authors contributing to the Halloween Horror Bundle- and they are well worth the donation above a $1!
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